c Commercial

3752 California



Polished concrete floors set the tone for this small space with a unique mix of modern and historic details. The original wood storefront facade has been re-created with accessibility in mind along with new & improved elements like large transoms, porcelain hexagon tile, marble accents, and insulated glass. There’s plenty of room for a small retail or creative maker operation; hit the ground running with your business in this pre-finished space, no build-out required!

Space has one dedicated storage closet!

We encourage and give preference to small, independently-owned businesses that cater to a wide range of demographics and will contribute to the eclectic mix of existing small businesses in the area. We don’t rent to predatory businesses such as rent-to-own or payday lending stores that prey upon low-income populations. We discourage the use of first-floor storefronts in commercial corridors for service-oriented or office-type businesses, which are better suited to side streets or second-floor office spaces as they do not benefit from or contribute to an increase in foot traffic that is vital to retail and restaurant businesses. Additionally, in the interest of promoting a peaceful environment for adjacent tenants in our mixed use and multi-tenant buildings, we do not rent commercial spaces to businesses that produce significant odors, chemical or otherwise; this includes but is not limited to nail salons, hair salons, and the manufacturing of any scent-based product (candles, perfumes, etc.). If your business is one of these uses, please join our waitlist for a standalone building.

This building was renovated to historic standards as part of the Historic Preservation Tax Credit Program. Compliance with the program requires that these standards be maintained, and as a result, permissible tenant alterations are limited; the space is eligible for retail or studio use only, and is not suitable for use as a bar, restaurant, salon, barbershop, beauty studio, or any other use that would require modification of the existing plumbing plan.

Price is $725/month for rent plus $95/month for water & sewer. Tenant is responsible for trash, internet, and electric charges, as well as applicable taxes and insurance reimbursement charges.

The advertised rental rate reflects a $75/mo discount for paying rent via ACH / wire transfer on the first of the month.

The building at 2755 Chippewa has undergone a full renovation. From the ground up, every element of each unit has been re-built resulting in a unique blend of modern amenities in a historic space. Learn more about the project here!


  •   Concrete Floors
  •   Energy Efficient Thermal Windows
  •   Accessible Unit
  •   Central Air Conditioning
  •   Forced Air Heat
  •   All Electric Unit